Everyone Can Afford Access & Care
Our goal at Colon Rectal Health Center of St. Louis is to provide preventive services and top-notch colorectal health care for all our patients despite their income, insurance plan, or lack thereof.
Why do we discount our services? Some of the most dangerous colon-rectal issues, like colon cancer, have better survivability outcomes when detected in the early stages of the disease. Anyone at risk of colon cancer should be afforded the prospect of early detection and treatment despite their ability to pay. Our discount program makes colorectal services affordable for all.
Our nursing staff can customize a care and financial agreement that’s affordable for any patient. Our discount program is competitive with less out-of-pocket expenses for patients with insurance receiving in-network care. We estimate our services cost less than 80 to 90 percent of other colorectal practices, clinics, surgery centers or hospitals in Metropolitan St. Louis.
The discount program is a combination of free or discounted exams, consultations or services, prescription grants or coupons when applicable from pharmaceutical companies, and if necessary a realistic payment plan to spread uncovered costs out over time. Despite the discounted price, we do not skimp on your care. You can expect to receive the same comprehensive, specialized care as any of our other patients.
Our nursing staff is very good at balancing affordability to your unique circumstances. To take advantage of the discount program, you should make arrangements before your first office visit or procedure. We may ask you for some documentation, such as proof of income, before entering a discount agreement.
You can rest assured, at the Colon Rectal Health Center of St. Louis that you will receive the specialized, quality rectal-colon care services you need and deserve.
To speak to a member of our nursing staff about the discounted program, call (314) 966-7570.